
Its purpose was to raise revenue through the colonial customs service and to give customs agents more power and latitude with respect to executing seizures and enforcing customs law.
Sugarac. Sugar act also called plantation act or revenue act 1764 in u s. Sugarac kod zeceva cim se pojavi moze se ukloniti sprejom za muve i komarce poprskati u usi i nestace iako se veterinari neslazu sa ovim nacinom uklanjanja sugarca jako je delotvorno. Igor 14 01 2018 at 11 40. The act set a tax on sugar and molasses imported into the colonies which impacted the manufacture of rum in new england.
Sarcoptes scabiei je parazitski krpelj antropod koji se zakopava u kožu i uzrokuje šugu lat. Ljudi nisu jedini sisari koji mogu biti zaraženi. šugarac se može naći u svim delovima sveta. The sugar act 1764 also known as the american revenue act 1764 or the american duties act was a revenue raising act passed by the parliament of great britain on 5 april 1764.
The meaning and definition of the sugar act. The sugar act of 1764 was a law enacted by britain to increase british revenues by preventing the smuggling of molasses into the american colonies and enforcing the collection of higher taxes and duties. Colonial history british legislation aimed at ending the smuggling trade in sugar and molasses from the french and dutch west indies and at providing increased revenues to fund enlarged british empire responsibilities following the french and indian war.