
Most islamic jurists hold there is another type of riba which is the simultaneous exchange of unequal quantities or qualities of a given commodity.
Riba. The recombinant immunoblot assay riba is a blood test that detects antibodies to the hepatitis c virus hcv. It has also been referred to as usury or the charging of unreasonably high interest rates. The royal institute of british architects riba is a professional body for architects primarily in the united kingdom but also internationally founded for the advancement of architecture under its charter granted in 1837 and supplemental charter granted in 1971. If you are a professional architect a representative of a practice a student of architecture or if you work in a related industry visit our membership page.
This test may show up on a laboratory. Riba is a concept in islamic banking that refers to charged interest. This is known riba al fadl. Most prevalent is the interest or other increase on a loan of cash which is known as riba an nasiya.
The riba its members and its practices are the collective voice of architecture.