Pršutarna ščuka

They are located in kobjeglava a small village in karst plateau.
Pršutarna ščuka. Od glavnega mesta ljubljane smo oddaljeni le 90 km od trsta 30 km od benetk 160 km in od celovca 170 km. It was very interesting. še dobro da sem jo našla na spletu saj sta bila ogled in degustacija več kot odlična. 806 všečkov 135 govori o tem.
August 30 at 5 55 am barve poletja se postopoma poslavljajo in narava s prvimi robidnicami in figami že naznanja prihod barvite jeseni ki prinaša zanimive kulinarične kombinacije kot je solata s figami robidnicami šetrajem kozjim sirom in pršutom cobius. Vodeni ogledi in degustacije po predhodni najavi. I would be comfortable to say that probably even in a wider area. Butična pršutarna z več kot 50 letno družinsko tradicijo klasičnega zorenja pršuta.
The traditional methods were presentated. Pršutarna ščuka is in kobjeglava. Pršutarna ščuka has one of the oldest mulberry trees that they shaped into an umbrella. Lahko bi rekla da je bilo uživanje ob pršutu panceti lokalnih sirih in vinu eden izmed vrhuncev našega.
Just about 3kilometres from the well known village štanjel. Now they keep up the practice out of tradition. The presentation of the pršutarna ščuka was really nice. Pršutarna ščuka is a family owned company that produces probably the best slovenian prosciutto.
In the end we had tasing of different kinds of meat and cheese.